Stem thickness
Stem quality
Portlim is a 100% male hybrid and excellently suitable for the cultivation of green asparagus in areas with a moderate climate. Portlim combines a moderately early production with high yields and a long viable lifespan.
Portlim thrives best on vigorous soils that are well drained. During multi-annual research in the green cultivation the best results were achieved with a plant density of 4 plants per linear metre and a plant depth of 15 - 20 cm. Portlim is a strong variety able to perform adequately also under more difficult conditions.
Portlim has a high production potential, excellent quality and a very good thickness. The tip of Portlim is excellent, even under warm circumstances during the harvest. The variety has an excellent stem thickness, with little decay during the production years. Portlim produces nice and smooth stems with a cylindrical shape.
The uniform foliage of Portlim is raised and has an open structure. The foliage is very strong against composition and has a good tolerance against leaf disease.